Whenever you feel you have been treated or informed incorrectly or inaccurate, please tell us. Contact us for clarification so we can find a solution together.
Complaints procedure
We are required by law (Wet Klachtrecht Cliënten Zorgsector (WKCZ) to offer a complaint policy. Our practice uses the ANT (Associatie Nederlandse Tandartsen) complaint policy.
Compliant policy ANT – Second opinion
The ANT can direct you to a dentist in your region who meets the ANT quality criteria for making a second opinion. The opinion of a dentist who is not involved in the conflict can confirm your own opinion, or provide you with new insights. This second opinion may be a reason for you or your dentist to reconsider the own point of view. If you cannot come to an agreement with your dentist after this, you can reach out to the ANT.
Commission for complaints
The dental complaints committee of the ANT handles complaints about:
- dental procedures
- communication and treatment
- bills
- any combination of the above
Complaints solely regarding money transaction and compensation issues are not covered by the complaints procedure and cannot be handled by the complaints committee.